Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Camping Checklist

There are very few places in this world where I feel completely at peace; and I mean undoubtedly, absolutely, and unequivocally at peace. Camping is one of those places. Something about the experience affects me in a way that I cannot properly convey. It gives me an appreciation for the things that I have, the people I am with, the places I am in, and the life I am so lucky to be living. Camping can mean any number of things to any number of people. What follows below are my necessities to finding that peace and appreciation that can come from a trip "into the woods" (you don't always need to be in the woods but I certainly recommend it).

1.) Camp in a Tent -- Even if you have access to a camper most times, struggle through setting up a tent at least once. In doing so, I'm confident you will gain a sense of accomplishment unlike anything you have felt before.

2.) Eat S'mores -- Be liberal with the chocolate and don't burn the marshmallow. Spoiler alert, you will likely end up burning it by accident.

3.) Camp Near Water -- Eventually you will want to swim. And I will tell you some of the most picturesque moments of my life were watching sunrises and sunsets over water while camping. (See below for example)

4.) Bathe in Said Body of Water -- You may be somewhere that has showers, don't use them. Be that family that wades out into the water and tosses the shampoo bottle around to the dismay and confusion of others.

5.) Go on a Hike -- Whether 2 or 20 miles, pull out a pair of appropriate walking shoes, grab a bottle of water and a granola bar, and just start walking. You will find that you have time to think, appreciate nature and enjoy the company you choose to keep. Bonus points for taking your phone (for emergencies) but turning it off for the whole excursion.

6.) Make Food Over the Fire -- Some of my favorite meals come straight out of a pie iron. Hot Dogs, Eggs, Grilled PB&J, Brats, Fish, where there is a will to cook something on the fire there is a way. Embrace the smoke following you around, enjoy the conversations you have while cooking, and have fun with it.

7.) Get Dirty -- There are so few times in life that it is socially acceptable to be dirty. Camping is one of those times, so grub up.

8.) Bring a Deck of Cards and a Good Book -- Especially in Michigan. The weather can turn in an instant (Crazy right??) and if you are stuck in a tent all day, you will be thankful that you have something to do. Even on nice days, it can be very enjoyable to just sit by the fire and play a game of Euchre or Rummy or get lost in a novel.

9.) Look at the Stars -- I'd imagine a surprising number of people have never seen the stars, and I mean really seen the stars the way that you can in the wilderness. Once clear of the pollution, both light and otherwise, appreciate the colossal nature of the universe, and world, that we live in/on and understand your smallness. Don't adulterate the moment with ipads, phones, charts, or anything, just be in that moment.  

10. Leave The World Behind -- Again, just be in that moment. Don't bring tablets, computers or (heaven forbid) video games/ gameboys and use your cell phone as little as possible. In fact, leave it in your vehicle and only check it every few hours, if that even. Bring a camera, but use it sparingly. I recently went camping and the night that the above photo was taken, on our way to the beach for the sunset, we passed a family of three; a mother, father and son. The mother was on her Ipad, the father on his cell phone, and the son on a laptop, all in their camper. If they only new what lay just beyond the walls of their camper and their screens. Be in that moment, leave the world behind.

(A Superheroine for one thing!)

Finally, and last but most certainly not least, watch the video below and do exactly zero of those things.

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